
Share the Love Giveaway: Win Books for Yourself and Your Favorite Library!

Valentine's Day may be over, but Online Author Visits is still celebrating with their Share the Love Contest that gives you the chance to win books for yourself, and the library of your choice! The lucky winner gets to choose 3 books from among works by an incredible pool of OAV authors, which includes Janet Lee Carey, Deb Lund, Martha Brockenbrough, Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams, Lisa L. Owens, Claire Rudolph Murphy, and Trudi Trueit--and me! Also, a collection of books will go to a U.S. library selected by the winner.  For more details visit

Why do I love doing online author visits? Here's the answer:

Imagine an author scribbling in her attic day and night, with ink stained fingers, with only her characters for companionship. Now imagine — voilà! A laptop loaded with Skype appears on her desk. She looks up. What? There's a world out there? With real people in it who are reading my books? She looks through the screen at a classroom of eager kids waiting to ask her questions. She blinks. She hopes she has remembered to change out of her pajamas sometime in the last few days. A little girl says, “I love your books. I’m so excited to see you. I want to ask . . . Why did Eva like to write poems?” The author smiles, forgetting the pajamas, forgetting the ink-stained fingers, forgetting the hours of lonely toil, and begins to answer. 

That's why I love online school visits.