
Fountain of Stars: Winter Solstice Tree 2022

On this very long, cold night, I’m happy to share this year’s Winter Solstice Tree: The Fountain of Stars with silver streams of light, crystal hummingbirds, golden garlands of fish, iridescent butterflies, and those inquisitive bluebirds that keep coming back year after year.

Winter Solstice Tree Fountain of Stars
Fountain of Stars Solstice Tree Detail

See the Ghosts of Solstice Trees Past here.

When the sun rises tomorrow morning, after this longest night, this very cold night, I will run out into my sleeping wildflower garden and know that the hummingbirds will come to drink again out of the streaming fountain, the summer will come again. May your winter dreams be deep and find new ways to bring you alive again in spring.

Dia CalhounComment